These blogs contain details that pertain to my life. They are true, real, un-sensored, & straight from my biplar mind lol. Some of the things I discuss may cause you to feel strong emotions of anger, frustration, sadness, and you more than likely will not understand where I am coming from. I am not writing for a 'pity party', this is strickly something I just feel good about doing. It's my life, therefore its my perrogative (The exclusive right and power to command, decided, rule or judge) to write about whatever I want. The only person who's opinion matters to me is my husband & he approves of my blogging. In conclusion: You have been warned ~ Read At Your Own Risk!

Monday, September 21, 2015

Lifestyle Changes. Putting God first.

It's been a long time since I've written a blog post. Just thinking back on where I use to be, compared to how things are now is amazing. There has been positive changes in my life. 

I have surrendered my life to God. I have not missed a day of church in five months. I not only joined a church but I became an active member. I sing soprano in the Praise & Worship team. I help with the outreach ministry, feeding the less fortunate. It isn't just about ME. My children & my husband attend as well. 

My church family is a loving group that don't pass judgment on one another but instead lift up and encourage one another. I've never felt as supported by a church as I do now. I know I am where God wants me to be. 

By following this path, God has blessed my family. In many ways unseen by others. My marriage is changing in a positive way. The way I parent my children is different, using a more Godly approach, with less yelling and spankings. This my kids are soaking in all the positive things they see me doing. We now sit together at the kitchen table for meals and my kids are quick to ask to pray! 

Is my life perfect? No, but having God first has surely made life easier to handle. 

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